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Hello everyone, I am sharing with you my new Multifunctional Drill Guide making video. I made a very useful Drill Guide in this video. I made it, using 18mm plywood, 12mm stainless metal and 2 each ball bearings. The chuck can hold 13mm bits.
It is a great Drill Guide. You can use it both to drill 90 degree holes and to drill holes in the depth you want. It also works for joining two woods together, you can see in the video.
I thought of making this Drill guide using Linear Bearing. But I gave up on this in order not to increase the cost. If you want, you can use a linear bearing.
With this Drill Guide, you can drill holes that you cannot drill with a column drill. You can also drill aligned holes. You can see an example of this in the video. I made a stopper (from screw clamp) to adjust the height of the holes you will drill. Thus, you can drill holes at any heights you want.
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