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A solution that every woodworker needs: Build your own router circle cutter! In this DIY video, I will show you step-by-step how to make a practical jig that will allow you to cut perfect circles of any size with your router. With this wooden cutter, you can make cuts of minimum and maximum sizes and create circles with or without holes, as you wish. Moreover, you will achieve sharp and flawless results! Download the PDF plan document now and build your own Router Circle Cutting Jig!
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PDF Download : Circular Cutting Jig for Routers
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There are nice wood knobs in this my diy project. In this video I m making wooden knobs for use in subsequent projects. I did it using 18mm plywood but you can use differ
I make a small hand planer in this video. I use a 41mm width blade I bought and some hard wood. I made a great hand planer.