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In this video; I will build a wooden Step stool to use in my workshop. Great tool for accessing high shelves. It has a 58 cm height and a folding step. After watching this video, you can easily make a folding step stool.
I must say it is extremely durable. It is 58 cm high and easily capable of lifting 150 kg. The prices of similar products are quite high in construction markets. However, I have cost this stool one-third the price.
You can watch the construction of the stool in the video below. By subscribing to my Youtube channel, you can be informed about my new videos to be uploaded.
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There are nice wood knobs in this my diy project. In this video I m making wooden knobs for use in subsequent projects. I did it using 18mm plywood but you can use differ
In this video, I make one bench grinder. I need this to use in chisel sharpening, blade sharpening, drill sharpening and so on. To do this bench grinder, I made two wo...